My Journey with Photography & The Grey Edit Photo (New)
New decade, new happenings, new me. This week on Instagram, I shared some exciting news about a new area of freelance I’m offering. And of all the freelancing I’ve been doing over the last two years — this one makes so much sense. Honing in on a passion I’ve had since I was small, photography, and introducing a brand new area to my business : The Grey Edit Photo.
History of The Grey Edit
When I started this blog in 2016, I did it to scratch a creative itch. I also was craving a new space on the internet where I could inspire by sharing my photos and love for style. As you can see from my incredibly embarrassing blogs dating back to 2010 (RIP and, I was ready for something a little more visually appealing. I had finally joined the “big league” with my DSLR camera and a account.
Unfortunately, I quickly realized that if I wanted to blog about style and showcase outfits, I couldn’t really be behind the camera. I did my best to beg my brothers and husband to take shots of me and then finally started to work with photographers that could help me out on a regular basis. Nowadays, I’ve landed on a healthy mix of snapping shots with other bloggers, working with photographers, using my tripod and the occasional ‘beg Trev with food in exchange for photos’ tactic.
My Journey with Photography (and Cameras)
The thing is, I’ve always been obsessed with taking pictures. As a kid, I’d admire my mom’s old school, leather-bound 35mm and sneak shots on my parent’s Slim Pix (still available, thank you Urban). In middle school, I always had the Kodak FunSavers and Fujifilm Disposables at events. In high school, I was the first out of my friends to rock a digital point and shoot. My dad got me the sickest and slimmest camera that could fit in the back pocket of your jeans (though I always rocked it in my catholic school uniform pocket) — this Sony Cyber-shot.
Having been spoiled with a point and shoot so early on, I became obsessed throughout my years in college and beyond. Very much to my demise though, as I wasn’t the most responsible… because, well, college. Many broken, a few stolen, a couple left in cabs. I tried every make that Best Buy carried — Canon PowerShots, models from Samsung, Olympus… more Cyber-shots. The kicker was when I broke my camera studying abroad in Australia during a holiday in New Zealand. I couldn’t not be with a camera, so I splurged on my first Nikon from their Coolpix line.
Luckily, when my last point and shoot broke, iPhones were becoming the new cameras. So my years of having to worry about two electronics in my purse were over. And once I finally matured and reached a better track record with my phones, I knew it was time to invest in a DSLR.
2014 was when Trev and I decided we’d get a DSLR — with our wedding coming up and trips galore, including our honeymoon. We went with the Canon 70D (an intermediate level since I was “such a pro already”, haha). I’ll never forget the shots we took in our loft with Smalls. The quality, the amount of functionality… I was amazed. Definitely shot on Auto every time and definitely made the rookie mistake of shooting in JPEG vs RAW during our honeymoon to Italy & Croatia. But hey, ya learn… and I did.
After years of trial, error and YouTubing, I was shooting on Manual. Last year I swapped our clunky Canon 70D to a mirrorless Sony Alpha 6500 (now discontinued). I invested in lenses. I practiced. This year, I’ve finally made the upgrade to the world of pro — going to my first full-frame body, the Sony A7iii and shooting on my beloved Sigma Art 35mm lens. And it’s a gamechanger.
The *New* Brand & The Grey Edit Photo
So now it’s 2020 (wow I sound SO old referencing all of these dates), and I’m here with a whole new plan for my “style blog”. One that aligns with my original mission of helping you find your edit, but also shows more real life as it is now while embodying a new area as a, dare I say, “professional” photographer.
On The Grey Edit blog, you’ll start to see more lifestyle content across areas of wellness, home, motherhood. All the while showcasing how style and career goals don’t have to be compromised after having a baby. It will be a place to house my styled images and all the tips and life hacks I can cram in. On my Instagram, I’ll focus on sharing all the behind the scenes. More in the moment images — that real ish that Insta has all along been all about.
The Grey Edit Photo is my attempt to help celebrate the women who are paving their own way. Brand builders, business owners… the gals who are chasing their dreams. Their stories deserve to be documented and shared, and I want to help — one photo at a time. My new website contains my (evolving) portfolio, information on offerings, a link out to my presets and will soon link out to an area of my blog where these client stories will be shared.
In Seattle and interested in working with me? Drop me a note!
And please give my new Instagram handle a follow -> @thegreyeditphoto
“The Grey Edit has evolved into a lifestyle brand by yours truly, Cortney Bigelow — wife, mother, blogger, photographer. Through digital content coupled with honest storytelling, I aim to inspire the modern woman to find her own edit and empower her to create the life she wants.
Because everyone has an edit, and I’m here to help you find yours.”